Kamis, 05 Juni 2008


Sebuah film yang menceritakan penaklukan Saladin (Salahudin al-ayubi) terhadap yerussalem yang di bela oleh ksatria pembela yerussalem yang bernama Balian. Pada ending film tersebut ada dialog antara Saladin dan Balian tetapi sebelum dialog itu terjadi berlansung perang besar yang telah menewaskan banyak personil tentara dari kedua belah pihak dan masyarakat.

Balian yang sadar sepenuhnya dia dan tentaranya akan segera kalah dari pasukan Saladin yang begitu unggul segalanya baik dari jumlah pasukan dan keunggulan strategi.

Saladin dengan kekuatan penuh menyerang yerussalem yang di dalamnya terdapat tempat suci bagi 3 (tiga) agama langit di dunia ini.

Setelah berapa hari melalui peperangan yang sangat dahsyat tiba-tiba bendera putih berkibar dari pihak saladin, Kalahkah Saladin? yang pasukannya begitu kuat dan unggul!!! Tentu tidak Saladin minta berunding dengan Balian yang di yakini bijak setelah Saladin mendapat masukan dari salah satu panglima perangnya yang pernah bertemu dan diselamatkan Balian..

Saat perundingan terciptalah sebuah dialog untuk mengakhiri pertempuran sia-sia yang mengorbankan kedua belah pihak, yang pada dialog dan pidato Balian sebelumnya kepada pendeta dan pasukannya yang artinya apalah arti sebuah kesucian dari tempat suci bila masyarakat tidak selamat dan pihak Saladin memahami hal itu sepenuhnya ketika Balian bertanya kepada Saladin,.Dulu ketika tentara Kristen menguasai yerussalem banyak orang Islam yang dan kenapa Saladin mau berdamai, jawaban Saladin tersirat apa yang di inginkan adalah perdamaian bukan pertumpahan darah lagi.

Dua orang komandan perang dari dua agama berbeda yang perang bunuh-bunuhan akhirnya berdamai dengan sebuah kepentingan yang lebih besar yaitu masyarakat dan perdamaian.

Keyakinan beragama ,kebebasan beribadah,dan kedamaian dalam bermasyarakat adalah suatau hal yang hak di miliki oleh semua orang tentunya dengan posisi yang jelas bahwa tidak ada agama dalam agama dan tidak ada agama yang memboceng agama lain.

Sebuah kepentingan besar di mana menciptakan masyarakat yang madani di negeri kita dengan hukum warisan Kolonial Belanda menjadi sebuah dilema tersendiri ketika ketegasan pemerintah negeri dituntut untuk mengatasi gejolak para pemegang masa yang seolah-olah mejadi penguasa di negeri ini dengan hukum ciptaan sendiri yang mengatas namakan Agama.

Aneh bin nyata bin ajaib bangsa yang tengah merayakan eforia 100 tahun kebangkitan nasional di kadoi dengan harga BBM yang di naikkan oleh pemerintah yang terpilih dari pemilih yang sekarang mungkin menyesal memilih mereka dan juga kado indah berupa ikrar perang dari dua komandan pemegang masa dengan atribut agama yang merembet ke beberapa daerah di tanah air

Energi masyarakat sudah cukup tercurah untuk membanting tulang dan berpikir keras memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari sekarang mesti was-was untuk siap membanting pedang dan senjata walaupun sebenarnya yang harus di hadapi adalah saudara dan anak bangsa sendiri.
Siapa yang bertepuk tangan dengan hal ini????
Modal aman tidak terjangkau oleh "otak-otak pintar anak negeri ini"yang lagi sibuk mendesain perang antar saudara sendiri BBM tetap naik untung makin besar 2009 menjelang tinggal cari siapa boneka kita yang paling pintar untuk menjilat kita,.kata si pemegang modal besar yang kecerdikannya melebihi "orang pintar" di negeri kita .
Pemilu 2009 menjelang cari ayam aduan yang banyak ah biar mati salah satunya nanti saya pura-pura jadi penengah biar nama tambah harum jadi kepilih deh.kata "orang pintar" negeri ini.

Maju perang hancurkan luluh lantakkan demi agama demi kebenaran,.kata masyarakat penganut agama yang di perintah oleh pemegang masa.
Inilah negeri ini media masa tersorot dengan pertikain beberapa komandan perang dan "Mediator" dari komandan tersebut kemudian pelan-pelan kita melupakan efek domino kenaikan BBM sampai rakyat di akar rumput melupakan masyarakat harus benar-benar pintar dan tidak hanya di pintarkan oleh gossip murahan yang di ciptakan orang pintar yang lagi mengincar keruntuhan persatuan bangsa dan akhirnya merampas kekayaan bhineka dan alam bangsa ini.
Rakyat di ujung kelaparan
Penguasa dan pemegang masa bertengkar

Tanah lahir beta di ujung tanda

Hangus terbakar dalang
Sebagai orang beragama sedari kecil saya di ajarkan bahwa agama saya lah yang paling benar dan paling baik tetapi ibu mengingatkan, saudara kita sesama manusia juga berpendapat demikian jadi sisakan rasa menghargai dan menghormati keyakinan mereka.
Hai para komandan perang sedikit bijak sedikit "kenapa"? Apapun agama yang kita anut apapun ideology yang menjadi panutan berikan solusi real dengan pikiran dan system kalau perlu Revolusi "lakukan"!!!? Jangan hanya pintar kasih pertanyaan tapi harus pintar memberikan jawaban..
Mana jawaban
Negeri yang seharusnya jadi kerajaan Syurga jangan lagi terpantik oleh riak-riak tak berguna dari para pencipta riak yang tentunya akan sangat bahagia melihat aliran kekayaan negeri ini terus mengalir ke orang-orang tertentu dan Negara yang sudah Kaya

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perlu kita pikirkan.... dimasa akan berakhirnya jabatan seorang presiden lumrah sekali hal-hal seperti ini terjadi. entah itu konspirasi berbentuk konspirasi atau gejolak gejolak politik lainnya. semoga pemimpin kita kelak siapapun dia adalah pemimpin yang baik. seperti kata vokalis kita ismeddd.... kebanyakan itu punya tujuan politis. seperti pembunuhan karakter.
siapa yang tau?

mungkin ada baiknya kita menyimak perkembangannya dulu.... pemerintah belum pernah bersih dari semua prakter yang tidak diinginkan rakyat. sistem sendiri sudah cukup bagus di negeri ini. tapi roda yang menjalankannya seringan bocor. jadi tambal sana dan tambal sini. kebanyakan biaya karena banyak yang pasang paku dijalan.
semoga damailah negeriku...
majulah bangsaku....
maju lombokku...

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Aduh anakku masmirah
Buaq Ate kembang mate
Mule tulen ku bantelin
sintung jari salon angin

Brembe bae side dende jangke ngene
Kembang Mate
Kelepangne isiq angin
dalam mozaik lagu diatas memberikan segudang makna, yang tersirat dari tiap lariknya.duah anakku mas mirah buak ate kembang mate, dilanjutkan nanti......

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Karya-karya tulis,
Akan kekal sepanjang masa,
Sementara penulisnya,
Hancur terkubur di bawah tanah.

Kata-kata di atas dikutip dari buku Kritik Hadis, karya Ali Mustafa Yaqub. Kata-kata tersebut benar adanya. Contoh sederhana, sampai saat ini, tulisan-tulisan Syekh Ibn Athaillah pada buku beliau Pencerah Kalbu, padahal beliau sudah wafat berabad-abad yang lampau. Masih banyak contoh-contoh lain karya para ulama terdahulu yang sampai sekarang masih menjadi referensi dan panduan umat. Sebut saja Hujjatul Islam Imam Ghazali, Syaikhul Islam Ibn Taimiyyah dan muridnya Ibnul Qoyyim al Jauzy

Sesungguhnya apabila setiap anak Adam telah mati, terputuslah amalnya kecuali tiga: shodaqoh jariyah, atau ilmu yang bermanfaat, atau anak yang sholih yang senantiasa mendoakannya. Nah, setidaknya, menghasilkan tulisan masuk dalam kategori ilmu yang bermanfaat. Tulisan dapat menjadi semacam passive income (passive income merujuk kepada istilah yang digunakan Robert T Kiyosaki pada bukunya Cash Flow Quadrant. Istilah ini berarti penghasilan yang diperoleh tanpa harus bekerja, seperti deposito, eksadana dan lain-lain). Tatkala kita sudah tidak mampu beramal lagi, Allah masih mencatatkan pahala apabila tulisan kita masih menginspirasi orang lain untuk berbuat baik.

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Rabu, 04 Juni 2008

The controversial Ideological Viewpoint in Novel The Da Vinci Code

In this chapter discuss about background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of he study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, and definition of key terms.
1.1. Background
Literature is a medium through which a person can convey his or her ideas or protest against different norms of society. Those works that deal with a normal issue are particular purpose in mind. An author can communicate with the readers of a literary work if they can understand what the author wants to send. The author expresses his or her feeling thought, ideas, or arguments about the social issues by writing those issues in a form of literary work.

One of literary work type in this genre is novel. As fiction work, novel automatically represents a story building that presents a world the author’s fantasy so that the truth needs not to be searched in real world. Nevertheless, novel remains to represent the result of author’s experience and contemplation to life and its complexity problems that are poured pursuant to his own understanding and interpretation.
As literary work, a novel is an artistic totality. It is totality because it is composed of interconnected parts and element tightly and dependently each other ( Nurgiantoro, 2002: 22-32). In general, an assortment of elements traditionally can be grouped into two divisions. The division is intrinsic and extrinsic elements.
Extrinsic elements are elements which come out of literary work such as history, social culture, religion, psychology, and philosophy. While intrinsic element are elements of literary work that build up the structure of literary work it self. Plot, character, setting, theme, point of view, style and atmosphere are the examples of the intrinsic elements. Sukada (1987: 47) stated that intrinsic elements are the whole elements which build up a literary work.
In the other side, intrinsic elements are the elements that form literary work itself. The elements caused literary work attends as literary work; elements factually will be met if people read literary work. Intrinsic element of a novel is element that (directly) takes part in developing story. One of the intrinsic elements consisted in novel is point of view.
Nurgiantoro (2002: 248) states that point of view fundamentally forms the strategy, technique, tactics, what in intentionally be selected by an author to release his idea and story. It is the technique used by the author to submit the sense of his artistic work, to come to and relate to the reader. Therefore, each author uses the different technique in presenting his story point of view. By the selected technique, it is expected that the reader can accept and involve his ideas.
Point of view it self has the group of categorization that are base on the different among one categorization to another. One of the categorization was used by Fowler to classify point of view become three that are: (1) spatial temporal point of view; (2) ideological point of view; and (3) psychological point of view ( Budiman, 1994: 44)
The first spatial-temporal point of view relates to impressions of how fast or slows the story to be understood by the reader, in continuously series or self sporting segments.
The second one, ideological point of view base on believe system values, and categories used as reference by somebody or faction in comprehending world. In narrative text point of view that has ideological background refers to a set of value and belief communicated through language text.
The last psychological point of view pertaining to question of who presented as event observer in a narration, whether the author himself or figure participating ( Budiman, 1994: 44-45)
From the three kinds of point of view above, the writer focused the study only on ideological point of view. Ideological point of view in narrative text is communicated through written text since it is through language manifestation the ideology that form of the background of can known. Morever this where some problem arise.
In compositional structure of fiction work, arising problems are pertaining to the vehicle of ideology, object the author uses to submit the controversial ideological load, and structure of ideology projected in it. Then, the writer studied and analyzed the controversial ideological view point in novel the Da Vinci Code written by Dan Brown. By identifying language manifestations that contain the controversial ideological view the author describe through the novel’s characters or and the narrative voice. Thereby, the vehicle of ideology the object of submitting ideological load, and the structure of the projected in the novel could be explained
1.2. Statement of the Problem
Based on the background of the problem clarified above, the statement of the problem can be formulated in the following questions.
1. How many characters are taken as vehicle of ideology in novel The Da Vinci Code?
2. What kind of object does the author use in submitting the controversial ideological load in novel The Da Vinci Code.?
3. How does the author project the structure of ideology in novel The Da Vinci Code.?
1.3. Objective of the study
This study is intended to describe and analyze the controversial ideological point of view pertaining to the:
1. The controversial ideology viewpoint in novel the Da Vinci Code.
2. Objective of summating the controversial ideological load in novel the Da Vinci Code
3. Structure of ideology in novel the Da Vinci Code
1.4. Significances of the Study
This study is expected to be of any uses theoretically and practically.
1. It is expected to have contribution to the development of prose knowledge in literature field, especially of the elements of fiction,
2. By the describing the elements of fiction, it is expected to get clear understanding about elements of fiction, especially the point of view,
3. It is also expected to be of any uses for the next researchers why are in retested in developing literature knowledge, especially of this matter.
1. It is expected to be of any uses for the lecturers of literature, especially of prose lecturers in analyzing the elements of fiction.
2. The result of this study will provide them with the understanding of point view, especially ideological point of view
1.5. Scope and Limitation of the Study
This study attempts to discuss the element of fiction, especially point of view. Since the point of view has the groups of categorization. This study is focused on the ideological viewpoint derived from fowler’s categorization. The analyzing of the controversial ideological viewpoint in this study is confined to vehicle of the ideology, object of submitting the controversial ideological load, and structure of ideology in novel The Da Vinci Code.
1.6. Definition of Key Terms
To avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation on the part of the reader, some term should be clarified. Those terms are genre, show work, script, and technique of narration, invention work, sense, compositional structure, and point of view, and ideological viewpoint, novel.
1. Genre is the categorization of literary work based on its shape and typical expression.
2. Show wok is the kind of artwork that is presented onstage
3. Script is the text of actors’ in play
4. Technique of narration is the technique the author uses to convey has/her ideas.
5. Invention work is the work that is based on the author’s imagination.
6. Sense is the purpose the author want to give in his/her work
7. Compositional structure is the all elements of fiction consisted in the story building
8. Point of view is the position fro, which thing are viewed. In literary work, it is the author position presenting the character, action, background, and various events in his/her work.
9. Ideological viewpoint is the point of view about how someone comprehend world through belief system and values he/she rely on.
10. Novel is used in its broad sense to designate any extend fictional prose narrative. In practice, however its uses are customarily restricted to narratives in which the representation of character occurs either in a static condition or in the process of the development as the result of event or action. (Holman & Harmon, 1986: 335)

This chapter presents and discusses literature, novel, fiction, elements of fiction, point of view, short biography of Dan Brown and theoretical framework.
2.1. Literature
Literature is often said to be a school of life in that authors tend to comment on the conduct of society and individuals in society. They either point out what they see as important issues in human affairs or propose ideal alternative to the way thin Literature is often said to be a school of life in that authors tend to comment on the conduct of society and individuals in society. They either point out what they see as important issues in human affairs or propose ideal alternative to the way thing actually are the custom and more of particular social group or individuals their aspirations and values explored and exposed (Taylor, 1981:12)
2.2. Novel
Novel is a prose narrative fiction. Taylor, (1981 : 46) stated that a prose works of quite some length and complexity which attempts to reflect and express something of the quality or value of human experience or conduct.
A novel is almost the same as a short story; they both are included in prose narrative fictions that have similarity in the intrinsic element such as plot, character, theme, setting etc.
2.3 Fiction
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English defines fiction as; (1) something invented or imagined (contrasted with truth), (2) (branch of literature concerned with) stories, novel and romances (Hornsby, 1987: 317). In other words, fiction is literary works (stories, novel, or romances) which composes based on the author’s invention or imagination.
2.4. Elements of Fiction
A fiction work is story building that presents a definitely world created by author. Formal shape of the fiction itself is “only” word, and the words. Fiction work, thereby, presents world in word and language, beside world within the realm of possibility. Word is an existing medium of story building. Word is literary devices.
2.5. Point of view
Writing of fiction work, as literature writing does, is never apart from deviation and renewal, whether including particular element or a number of elements at once. Deviation and renewal in literary work is essential matter. Nevertheless, it cannot be interpreted articulately. It means that author conducts the deviation in order to make his/her work looks different. Deviation and (or) renewal must be meaningful and purposive. To show something from another dimension, or to emphasize what he/she suggests is possible reason why the author makes deviation or renewal.
2.3.1. Definition of Viewpoint
There are many definitions as guidance in understanding point of view. Some of them are listed below
1. Point of view is a term which refers to the relationship between story teller, the story and the reader (Stone, et al., 1983:11)
2. Point of view refer to the way story telling. It is a way and (or) a view the author uses as medium to present the character, action, background, and various event that form a story in fiction work to reader ( Abraham in Nurgiantoro 2002:248)
3. Point of view is one of literary devices. This raken refers to method the author used to select and arrange the detail of story so that created meaningful pattern. In facing fabricated story, everybody takes different place and different relationship throung each event: inside or outside character, emotionally involved or not. This “position” is, point of consciousness in which events in story observed, what is intended as point of view by him (Stanton in budiman, 1994:42)
4. Point of view is the technique used by author to present and find out the artistic meaning of his/her work ( Booth in Nurgiantoro, 2002:249)
5. Point of view represents the place of physical or ideological situation or practical life orientation in which narrative events interact each other. Point of view, thereby, is not expression, but perspective in which expression created ( Chapman in Budiman, 1994:44)
Point of view is the way to how an author looks into a problem so that composes the attitude, view, and his/her work’s behaviour, the criticism toward a literary work from one or some aspect ( Yusuf, 1995:279).
The above definition show that the point of view is used as the way to present the artistic meaning of the story by arranging the detail of the character, action, background, and various events into meaningful patterns that henceforth will form and clarify physical or ideological situation or practical life orientation the author conveys.
2.3.2. Categorization of Viewpoint
Point of view, according to Nurgiyantoro (2002:256), can be classified into some divisions. Nevertheless, generally, all categorization studies one of these things
1. Who fuction as narrator ( author in first or third person, one of characters, or no one)
2. Narrating position
3. Medium of information the narrator uses to present the story to reader ( words, mind, feeling, action, character perception or author perception)
4. Distance between the narrator and reader ( near, far, or by turns)
In Budiman 1994:42), Traugott and Pratt analyze some fundamental problems frequently treated in point of view as:
1. Narrator author level (from omniscient to incompetence),
2. Narrator presence level (from dominant to absent), and
3. The way of involving the reader’ participation.
From the above, it can be concluded that point of view studies (1) narrator participation, (2) narrator position in presenting a story, (3) medium of information to present a story, (4) distance between the narrator and reader, (5) narrator authority level, (6) narrator presence level, and (7) the way of involving the readers’ participation.
In accordance with the above description, point of view is classified into some divisions. Some of them are described in the following.
In general, as Stanton said, there are four main types of viewpoint:
1. First-person-central; main character presents story
2. First-person-peripheral; subordinate character submits story
3. Third-person-limited; author shows all character as third person, but he/she only flattens things that can be seen, heard, and thought by only one character.
4. Third-person-omniscient; author shows all character as third person and may flatten things that can be seen, heard, and thought, by some characters, indeed describes the events that are not attended by a character at all. ( budiman, 1994:42-43)
Point of view is a term in the analysis and criticism of fiction
2.6. A Short Biography of Dan Brown
Dan Brown is the authors of many famous books. Digital fortress, Angles, Demons and the deception point, live in New England

2.7. Theoretical Framework
This study is aim to describing and understanding novel, especially Novel “ The Da Vinci Code” written By Dan Brown.
In other to describe and understand a novel, the elements that construct the novel should be analyzed so that all meaning of the novel can be understood; one of those elements is point of view.
As Stevich ( in Nurgiantoro, 2002:251) says, the reader’s understanding toward a novel is influenced by the viewpoint clarity. The reader’s understanding toward viewpoint will determine how far his/her perception and comprehension, even his/her appreciation toward the novel. Furthermore, Schorer (in Nurgiantoro, 2002:251) states that viewpoint is not only assumed as the way of dramatic limitation, but in more special as medium of thematic definition.
Since point of view used as medium of thematic definition in which life view and values offered, it is important to have sufficient understanding about it.

This chapter presents the research design, data and source of data, technique of data collecting technique of data analysis, and trustworthiness of data.
3.1. Research Design
Research design is the plan of how a research will be conducted. Therefore, research design related to process of the research itself. Based on the process, there are two kind of approaches used to design the research that is quantitative approach and qualitative one. Kind of approach taken in research depends on problems studied.
Quantitative approach used to explain, test the relationship among phenomenon, and determine the variables causality while qualitative approach used to develop the knowledge through understanding and invention henceforth used to identify the relationship between one variable to another one.
In quantitative research, instrument of data collector to yield the numeric data is needed. Therefore, to reduce and organize the data to determine the significance of relation used statistical analysis.
While in quantitative research instrument is the researcher him/herself. The researcher as instrument fulfills communicative interaction and observation as a means of data collector, so that data obtained will be in words from and analyzed in individual responds terminology, descriptive conclusion, or both. Analyzed the target is to organize the data into meaning, individual interpretation, or framework that explains phenomenon investigated (Danim, 2002:36-37).
The writer used the qualitative design in this research, means that the data collected was in form of words. In accordance with this research, to describe one of fiction elements, hence data in this research was obtained through the fiction reading process. In other words, this research was literature study.

3.2. Data and Source of Data
Based on the above research design, the research data was in form of statement, words, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, and event presented in the novel. While data source in this research is novel “ The Da Vinci Code” written by Dan Brown.
3.3. Technique of Data Collection
In this research, the technique of data collection was literature research, means that the process of data collecting was done by investigating various sources. The intention of the investigation, as stated by Danim (2002:105), is to sharpen the methodology, strengthen theoretical study, and to have the information of research of a kind, which have been done by other researchers.
Furthermore, Nazir ( in Danim, 2002:105), says that survey to the represented data is an effort of digging up expanded theory, obtaining broader orientation in selected problems, and avoiding the undesirable duplication.
Thereby, the writer used this technique because it relevance with the novel “ The Da Vinci Code” as the data source representing library substance.
3.4. Technique of Data Analysis
Nasution (1988:142) states that the data analysis is the process of arranging, categorizing data, and look for the pattern or theme in order to comprehend its meaning. While patton ( in Moleong, 2001: 103) defines data analysis as the process of arranging the data sequence and organizing it into pattern, category and unit of base. From the both definitions, it is concluded that three work processes in data analysis that is (1) process of data arrangement, (2) process of data organizing in certain categories, and (3) process of pattern seeking which contain set of meaning.
In this research, the three processes sequence was elaborated in a few steps. First step, the writer read and learned the data collected furthermore was was grouped into to sections that were data describing pattern of character relation with ideology, and data describing structure of ideology. From this subdividing data was processed to look for the pattern of ideological viewpoint used in the novel. By these ways, meaning detected and comprehended.
3.5. Trustworthiness of data
To guarantee the trustworthiness of the result of research, it is needed to check it under certain criteria. Moleong (2001: 175-183) describes 9 (nine) techniques of data trustworthiness. They are, (1) extended participation, (2) perseverance observation, (3) triangulation, (4) discussion, (5) analysis of negative case, (6) reference sufficiency, (7) member’s checking, (8) thick description, and (9) auditing.
From the above technique, the writer took some of them which were appropriate with the research the writer faces in order to check the trustworthiness of data. The first was extended participation. The researcher’s extended participation increased the trustworthiness of collected data. In this case it means to avoid distortion on the part of the part of the researcher himself. It also means to enable the researcher opened through multiple influences, that are contextual factors and a joint influence of the researcher and subject that at last will influence the examined phenomenon (Moleong, 2001:177).
The next perseverance observation, means to find out characteristics and elements in situation that is relevant to the recent problems or issues then concentrate the study on them in detail (Moleong, 2001:177).
the writer also used the triangulation. Triangulation is the technique of data checking by exploiting something else outside the data itself as a mean of checking or comparator to the data (Moleong, 2001:177).
Checking of obtained result was done through rechecking the research process to avoid the existence of skipping process error, and inspection through the items and result of research to ensure that the result is in mutual accord with used items. Besides that, the writer has cross-checked the result to ones who have competence in this research area.

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Selamat datang di Web Kanak sasak selaparang silak simpang lek pendopo selaparang maya niki..……..”Merdeka itu adalah beban. Selangit beban diatas pundakmu sendiri. Merdeka itu adalah penderitaan, merdeka adalah sejuta penderitaan yang tak ada putus-putusnya. Merdeka berarti kamu berjalan sendirian, kamu tidak punya tuan dan majikan yang akan menolongmu kalau kamu celaka. Merdeka itu berarti kamu harus meghadapi keperihan, kesengsaraan, nasib buruk itu senddiri. Merdeka itu sakit yang maha besar. Tapi kamu harus bangga karena kamu yang terpilih untuk memikulnya. Berarti kamu dianggap mampu, kamu masih dipercaya. Kalau kamu masih dipercaya berarti kamu masih diperhitungkan. Kalau kamu masih diberikan kesengsaraan, berarti kamu masih hidup. Kamu belum menjadi mayat, belum menjadi robot, belum mati seperti yang lainberarti kamu masih merdeka. Goblok kalau kamu mau berhenti merdeka. Mengerti?” (Cuplikan cerpen Merdeka karya Putu Wijaya) Sebagai bahan renungan.